Creating and running a business is everything you’ve dreamed of.

You finally took the leap with so much energy and enthusiasm, only to find yourself feeling lost, lonely, and like a disorganized mess.

You don’t know what needs to be prioritized, you don’t really know how to promote and sell your products or services, and you’re starting to second guess this whole entrepreneurship idea. 

I’m going to be super vulnerable with you right now.

When I first started running my business full-time, I was so excited, but only a week in I found myself feeling extremely lonely. It was so hard suddenly not having the normal meetings that I had in my 9-5, and working from home by myself was so much harder than I thought it would be. I felt disorganized and unsure of how to prioritize what needed to be done. After opening up to a few of my peers, I learned that other business owners and entrepreneurs felt the same way. 


So this got me thinking. What can I do to stay out of a funk and create more structure in my business? How can I be around people more so I don’t get as lonely, but stay focused and on task? How can I help other entrepreneurs do the same?

That's how the bold business women membership was created

I’m creating a community of incredible entrepreneurs and solopreneurs who are longing for that co-worker relationship that they used to have. Who is looking for accountability and education to help them grow their business as well? I’m creating the ultimate remote co-working packed with educational training and materials on how to promote your business in a way that’s authentic to you, with some “Woo-girls” cheering you on.


Hi! I’m Jessica, and I’m ridiculously passionate about helping entrepreneurs and business owners.

Over the last ten years, I’ve been fortunate enough to work with brand-new startups, to some of the largest brands in the world. After leaving my corporate job, I knew it was time to dedicate my career to helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses with the high-level strategies and tactics the brand giants use.

My mission is to empower entrepreneurs to promote their genius brands authentically!


I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and businesses (large and small) create a social media marketing strategy that connects with their target audience and promotes their brand in a way that feels authentic and in alignment with their mission and core values.

The Transformation You Can Expect Is:

Growing your social media presence and reach week over week by 200%+

Develop the mindset of successful entrepreneurs and brands

Exponential growth in your life and business

Cultivate lasting relationships and business partnerships

Feeling confident and excited to promote your business in an authentic way that feels aligned with your life and values

I know what you’re thinking! Jess, that sounds amazing, but what’s included?

The membership includes:

A high-vibe community of other passionate entrepreneurs and solopreneurs

Industry experts to answer questions and help with challenges you have in your business

Resources and training on leveling up and growing your business

A Group Call every month to go over your current struggles and how to move past them

A free 1:1 consulting session (currently valued at $250!) with myself

Monthly training by experts in various industries like PR, SEO, Branding, Community Building, SEO, Etc.

Exclusive offers for additional training and resources

The App that lets you access high-level resources and stay connected


Other memberships that are similar charge over $1000/month for the trainings and resources included!

Join the monthly membership dedicated to empowering women and bringing you the resources you need to succeed on a consistent basis.

The Membership Launches Summer 2023!

Join The Waitlist and Recieve My Guide To Full-Funnel Marketing for Women Entrepreneurs ($300 value) for free!

Join The Waitlist

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